Come on in.
Barstow Community Hospital understands that having loved ones by your side can help with your healing and care. As such, Barstow Community Hospital has an open visitation policy. Open visiting refers to the principle that visiting hours are not restricted in the hospital setting; patients may have visitors at any time.
There are many benefits to open visitation. Empirical research indicates that unrestricted visitation is associated with better recovery, fewer physical and psychological complications and reduced emotional stress. In addition, you can feel supported and safe. Your family members are more satisfied with your care and are less anxious. Our staff have increased opportunities for communication and teaching.
You still have the right to restrict visitors, and hospital leadership may restrict visitors when in your best interest and the best interest of our staff’s safety. Specialized care units have the following limitations:
Emergency Department
Due to space limitations in the Emergency Department and concerns for patient privacy, visitation is limited to two visitors in the standard rooms, and only the patient is allowed in the Fast Track area (one parent or caregiver is allowed for minors and/or patients who are not independent).
Up to three visitors at one time in accordance with the patient’s condition. Due to infection control concerns for newborns, minors younger than 12 are limited to siblings of the newborn and must be accompanied by an adult other than the patient.
Medical/Surgical and Intensive Care Unit (ICU):
Up to three visitors at one time in accordance with the patient’s condition. Minors younger than 12 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.